Safe intracranial pressure measurements

Leveraging machine learning and retinal imaging to predict ICP in a safe, cost-effective, and accessible manner.

Headshot of concentrated female patient having eyesight examination with special optical equipment while sitting at professional slit lamp in clinic
How it works?

Unlocking insights of the brain through the eye

Our ML algorithm analyzes key structures in the eye using OCT images that closely correlate with brain pressure. Neurobarr allows for rapid, safe, and cost-effective ICP monitoring.


Provisional Patents


Clinical Partnerships


Faster than traditional methods


More cost-effective

Our Team

Mantej Singh


PhD Candidate at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine specializing in Biophotonics, optics design and medical device development.

Previous @Rice, CS

Prem Umang Satyavolu

Co Founder

MBA Candidate at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School with expertise in opioid addiction research, clinical trials design and medical device development.

Previous @Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit

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